
Bookings for spring 2025 is now open, we operate February 27 - April 27, 2025.

The schedule for the summer of 2025 will be published in April 2025.

Use the schedule for 2024 as reference when planning your trip.

Online booking closes 1 hour before departure from Kiruna bus station towards Nikkaluokta and 1 hour before departure from Nikkaluokta towards Kiruna

Note new terms for tickets from February 27, 2025,
read more here: New ticket terms


Questions or changes of bookings, e-mail: nikkaexpressen@horvalls.se
Please read "FAQ" to see if your question already has been answered.

Welcome to Nikkaluoktaexpressen

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Take the bus to the adventure!

Take our bus to the end of the road, Nikkaluokta. From there you can easily go to the top of Sweden, Kebnekaise.
Enjoy unforgettable and beautiful nature in our mountain range.

The bus operates every spring, summer and autumn between
Kiruna and Nikkaluokta.

Nikkaluokta Sarri

The adventure begins in Nikkaluokta and here you can have a fika, eat or spend the night etc at Sarri

STF Kebnekaise

The mountain station in the wilderness where you have Sweden's tallest mountain around the corner

Enoks - Láddjujávri

Boattrips on Láddjujávri - Kebnekaise trail, here you have accommodation and restaurant if you need a break on the hike